This Ride's A Blast!

Platinum Express Merchandise!

If you missed out on getting your 15 Year Anniversary shirt, now is your chance!

We also have the 2011 "LIVE at Uncle Bo's" CD - featuring Tower of Power's own Bruce Conte!

Shirts and CDs are $15 each, or two for $25. Shipping is *free*!

Click the photos below to view full size.

If you have a Venmo account, use the QR Code below

These are also available at SELECT Platinum Express shows - you'll see our merch table!

Unisex Shirt Front

Unisex Shirt Back

VENMO USERS - Use this easy QR code!

Women's "LOVE" T-Shirt - Front

Women's "LOVE" T-Shirt - Back
In the Venmo payment window notes area, enter your name, address, shirt style and size (for shirts) and/or "CD"!

"LIVE at Uncle Bo's" CD

"LIVE at Uncle Bo's" CD
OR just come buy them at SELECT Platinum Express shows - you'll see our merch table!! (cash or any debit / credit card)